7 Ways to Cope With Unexpected Changes


1. Testing period
When unexpected change happens in your life, you often take some time to check how you’re feeling about it. Otherwise, you may stay neutral in the situation in order to protect yourself from HKUE amec stress and negative feelings. Unexpected changes can both affect your physical body and your emotions. It’s up to you to understand whether you feel comfortable about the change or depressed. It will help you find advantages and disadvantages of your new life conditions.

2. Use rest and relaxation to prepare your mind
Rest and relaxation are an essential part of your both emotional and physical well-being, especially when you are stressed by unexpected changes. When I’m confused about some kind of change, I usually do yoga. Yoga doesn’t allow my current troubles to cloud my thinking. It accumulates my confidence that makes me strong enough to overcome different challenges. Furthermore, reading books can calm you down and help you feel better.

3. Fill your body and soul with contentment
Many people think that nourishment is just the food they eat, but there are many other ways to nourish your body and mind. These ways help you enjoy good mental and physical health and balanced success in various aspect of your life. By all means you need to stay active. Walking, bicycling and swimming are wonderful options that will help you be on the positive wave. The thing is, exercise improves mood and increases the ability to recall information and focus on different tasks. Moreover, you can enjoy the scent of wondrous flowers and trees. A hot bath and soothing music can fill you with the power to live happily in spite of problems or unexpected changes.

4. Use the support of people you love
If you don’t know how to treat the change, then shake up your friends or family and ask them for support and advice. Hugging your cat also has a magnificent calming effect on your nervous system. You should realize that best people of your life are always ready to stretch you helping hand if necessary. You just have to ask them for help and support. Sometimes a frank talk with your best friend can be the best psychological therapy.

5. Don’t look back
Human being is a creature of habit. People are often afraid to let something new and unexpected in their lives. If it happens they don’t try to open a new page in their life, but look back and wonder what they could have done differently to avoid being in this situation. This people significantly reduce their chances to reach goals and be happy. Charles Morgan once said, “The art of living does not consist in preserving and clinging to a particular mood of happiness, but in allowing happiness to change its form without being disappointed by the change, for happiness, like a child, must be allowed to grow up.”

6. Accept the change
It is extremely important to accept the change when it HKUE amec has knocked your door. Such approach will help you get rid of all negative thoughts in your mind that keep you depressed and confused. If you’ve lost your job, you should accept the issue and just weigh all the pros and cons of the situation you’ve faced. By acknowledging your fears and pain, you’ll be able to sift through the feelings while coping with the practical realities. You should remember that change happens and when you grasp this concept, you will be ready to deal with unexpected changes. Moreover, it’s better to get used to the idea that you can’t control everything in this world.

7. Try to see change as an opportunity
Change is just a new page in the book of your life. Furthermore, it is a chance to start your life from the scratch. That’s why you should stop your grief period and start looking for opportunities to make right choices and set new priorities. If you follow this tip, you’ll become the leader of your life.

As soon as you win the fear of new and unknown, you reenex facial will enter a new stage of full and happy life. Sometimes even a negative unexpected change can be the beginning of good and prosperous future. I hope these tips will help you how to deal with unexpected changes. How do you cope with changes in your life? Share your thoughts, please.


11 Facts About Smiling


You have probably heard that it takes fewer muscles when smiling than when frowning, so why not smile? Although the exact amount of muscles needed to smile or frown is not quite agreed upon, there are many reasons to smile each day. Here are some reasons to turn that frown upside down as well as some facts you might not know about this common facial expression.
Fact #1: You feel better when you smile.
Studies have shown that when a person is truly smiling, it affects certain muscles that actually make you feel happy or joyful. You smile because you are happy and when certain muscles are hit, your brain sends even more happy signals, or endorphins. Smiling is awesome. Try it.
Fact #2: Smiling is contagious.
When someone is having a bad day, pay them a compliment with a smile. The double-duty mood boosting effect will turn their day around for sure.
Fact #3: You will look more attractive to men when you are smiling, if you are a woman.
Studies have shown that men think women who are not wearing make-up but are smiling are more attractive than those with perfect make-up who were stone-faced. This makes me wonder why runway models nary turn their mouths upward.
Fact #4: You will look less appealing as a man when you are smiling, if you are trying to attract a woman.
Oddly enough, the opposite is favored by women in a study by the American Psychological Association who prefer a man to look “brooding.” As a woman, this does not mean you should be rude or angry. The study only looked at initial reactions, not long-term relationship reactions.
Fact #5: It makes you sound friendly.
Smiling when you talk on the phone actually makes you sound more friendly. One thing that is taught to phone reps (or should be if it is not) is to smile when answering the phone to achieve better customer service. Somehow smiling translates into your voice to make you sound happy and engaging.
Fact #6: Those who smile live longer.
It is no secret that our emotional health is tied closely to our physical health. Since smiling means you are happy (and getting happier by the very act of smiling), you will likely live a longer, more relaxed life than those who regularly frown. Smiling actually boosts your immune system and can help you live 7 years longer on average!
Fact #7: Newborns are able to smile.
Most people think it takes a few weeks for that first smile, which is true if you do not count smiles in their sleep. Babies start smiling in their sleep as soon as they are born. It makes you wonder what kinds of things a newborn has to smile about, right?
Fact #8: You are more scholarship likely to get a promotion if you smile always.
Those who smile tend to be thought of as having more confidence and sociable, therefore managers view these people as having what it takes to move up in the workplace.
Fact #9: There are 19 types of smiles.
Researchers were able to categorize 19 different types of smiles into two categories: polite, “social” smiles and those that were genuinely happy smiles. Among the list is the “embarrassed” smile, “genuine” smile and “loving” smile.
Fact #10: People tend to smile more when surrounded by people than alone.
While you may occasionally smile to yourself or laugh at something funny on the television, you are more likely to smile when you have an audience. Scientists tested this principal on ten month old babies and whether or not the audiences were responsive, they smiled much more when being surrounded by -That encourage children to actively participate in daily experiences, including discovery and creative learning; designed to nurture and promote social, emotional and physical, as well as cognitive and language development.others than being alone.
Fact #11: Smiling is a universal sign of happiness.
Language may be a barrier, but facial expressions like the smile, pass through anywhere you travel. (Though this may not be quite true in some foreign countries which hold different values and customs, do check before visiting them.)


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